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How to define Signals in Java

The @SignalMethod annotation indicates that the method is used to handle and react to external Signals.

void mySignal(String signalName);

The method can have parameters that contain the Signal payload and must be serializable by the default Jackson JSON Payload Converter.

void mySignal(String signalName, Object... args);

This method does not return a value and must have a void return type.

Things to consider when defining Signals:

  • Use Workflow object constructors and initialization blocks to initialize the internal data structures if possible.
  • Signals might be received by a Workflow before the Workflow method is executed. When implementing Signals in scenarios where this can occur, assume that no parts of Workflow code ran. In some cases, Signal method implementation might require some initialization to be performed by the Workflow method code first—for example, when the Signal processing depends on, and is defined by the Workflow input. In this case, you can use a flag to determine whether the Workflow method is already triggered; if not, persist the Signal data into a collection for delayed processing by the Workflow method.