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How to use a Side Effect in Java

To use a Side Effect in Java, set the sideEffect() function in your Workflow Execution and return the nondeterministic code.

  int random = Workflow.sideEffect(Integer.class, () -> random.nextInt(100));
if random < 50 {
} else {

Here's another example that uses sideEffect().

// implementation of the @WorkflowMethod
public void execute() {
int randomInt = Workflow.sideEffect( int.class, () -> {
Random random = new SecureRandom();
return random.nextInt();

String userHome = Workflow.sideEffect(String.class, () -> System.getenv("USER_HOME"));

if(randomInt % 2 == 0) {
// ...
} else {
// ...

Java also provides a deterministic method to generate random numbers or random UUIDs.

To generate random numbers in a deterministic method, use newRandom()

// implementation of the @WorkflowMethod
public void execute() {
int randomInt = Workflow.newRandom().nextInt();
// ...

To generate a random UUID in a deterministic method, use randomUUID().

// implementation of the @WorkflowMethod
public void execute() {
String randomUUID = Workflow.randomUUID().toString();
// ...