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Error Handling in Go

An Activity, or a Child Workflow, might fail, and you could handle errors differently based on the different error cases.

If the Activity returns an error as errors.New() or fmt.Errorf(), that error is converted into *temporal.ApplicationError.

If the Activity returns an error as temporal.NewNonRetryableApplicationError("error message", details), that error is returned as *temporal.ApplicationError.

There are other types of errors such as *temporal.TimeoutError, *temporal.CanceledError and *temporal.PanicError. Following is an example of what your error code might look like:

Here's an example of handling Activity errors within Workflow code that differentiates between different error types.

err := workflow.ExecuteActivity(ctx, YourActivity, ...).Get(ctx, nil)
if err != nil {
var applicationErr *ApplicationError
if errors.As(err, &applicationErr) {
// retrieve error message

// handle Activity errors (created via NewApplicationError() API)
var detailMsg string // assuming Activity return error by NewApplicationError("message", true, "string details")
applicationErr.Details(&detailMsg) // extract strong typed details

// handle Activity errors (errors created other than using NewApplicationError() API)
switch applicationErr.Type() {
case "CustomErrTypeA":
// handle CustomErrTypeA
case CustomErrTypeB:
// handle CustomErrTypeB
// newer version of Activity could return new errors that Workflow was not aware of.

var canceledErr *CanceledError
if errors.As(err, &canceledErr) {
// handle cancellation

var timeoutErr *TimeoutError
if errors.As(err, &timeoutErr) {
// handle timeout, could check timeout type by timeoutErr.TimeoutType()
switch err.TimeoutType() {
case commonpb.ScheduleToStart:
// Handle ScheduleToStart timeout.
case commonpb.StartToClose:
// Handle StartToClose timeout.
case commonpb.Heartbeat:
// Handle heartbeat timeout.

var panicErr *PanicError
if errors.As(err, &panicErr) {
// handle panic, message and stack trace are available by panicErr.Error() and panicErr.StackTrace()