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Testing TypeScript Workflows

Sample available

Our samples repo contains examples of testing with Jest and Mocha

The TypeScript SDK comes with an optional test framework (npm @temporalio/testing).

Upon installation, it will automatically download a test server with time skipping support (more on that later).

The test framework provides utilities for testing both Activities and Workflows.

Testing Activities

Activities can be tested with MockActivityEnvironment

The constructor accepts an optional partial Activity Info object in case any info fields are needed for the test.

Running an activity in Context runs a function in an Activity Context.

import { Context } from '@temporalio/activity';
import { MockActivityEnvironment } from '@temporalio/testing';

const env = new MockActivityEnvironment({ attempt: 2 });
const result = await
async (x) => x + Context.current().info.attempt,
assert.equal(result, 4);

Heartbeats and cancellation

MockActivityEnvironment is an EventEmitter that emits a heartbeat event which you can use to listen for heartbeats emitted by the Activity.

NOTE: When run by a Worker, heartbeats are throttled to avoid overloading the server. MockActivityEnvironment, however, does not apply any throttling.

It also exposes a cancel method which cancels the Activity Context.

import { CancelledFailure, Context } from '@temporalio/activity';
import { MockActivityEnvironment } from '@temporalio/testing';

const env = new MockActivityEnvironment();

env.on('heartbeat', (d: unknown) => {
if (d === 6) {

await assert.rejects(
() => () => {
await Context.current().sleep(100); // <- sleep is cancellation aware
(err) => {
assert.ok(err instanceof CancelledFailure);

Testing Workflows

Workflows can be tested with TestWorkflowEnvironment.

A typical test suite would set up a single instance of the test environment to be reused in all tests (e.g. in a Mocha before() hook or a Jest beforeAll hook).

When creating an environment, TestWorkflowEnvironment.create will automatically start a test server that you can access with client and nativeConnection.

Example setup

beforeAll and afterAll are injected by jest. To use mocha instead, change them to before and after, and import:

import { after, before } from 'mocha';
import { TestWorkflowEnvironment } from '@temporalio/testing';
import { Worker } from '@temporalio/worker';
import { v4 as uuid4 } from 'uuid';
import type * as Activities from './activities'; // Uses types to ensure our mock signatures match
import { httpWorkflow } from './workflows';

let testEnv: TestWorkflowEnvironment;

beforeAll(async () => {
testEnv = await TestWorkflowEnvironment.create();

afterAll(async () => {
await testEnv?.teardown();

Mocking Activities

Since the TestWorkflowEnvironment is meant for testing Workflows, you'd typically want to mock your Activities in tests to avoid generating side effects.

test('httpWorkflow with mock activity', async () => {
const { client, nativeConnection } = testEnv;

// Implement only the relevant activities for this workflow
const mockActivities: Partial<typeof Activities> = {
makeHTTPRequest: async () => '99',
const worker = await Worker.create({
connection: nativeConnection,
taskQueue: 'test',
workflowsPath: require.resolve('./workflows'),
activities: mockActivities,
const result = await worker.runUntil(
await client.workflow.execute(httpWorkflow, {
workflowId: uuid4(),
taskQueue: 'test',
assert.strictEqual(result, 'The answer is 99');

Time skipping in Workflows

The built-in test server automatically "skips" (fast forwards) time when no Activities are executing. The test server starts in "normal" time, using the TestWorkflowEnvironment.client.workflow execute or result methods switch the test server to "skipped" time mode until the Workflow completes. If a Workflow sleeps for days, running it in the test environment will cause it to complete almost immediately.


import { sleep } from '@temporalio/workflow';

export async function sleeperWorkflow() {
await sleep('1 day');


test('sleep completes almost immediately', async () => {
const worker = await Worker.create({
connection: testEnv.nativeConnection,
taskQueue: 'test',
workflowsPath: require.resolve('../workflows'),
// Does not wait an entire day
await worker.runUntil(
testEnv.client.workflow.execute(sleeperWorkflow, {
workflowId: uuid(),
taskQueue: 'test',

Time skipping in Tests

You can also call testEnv.sleep() from your test code to advance the test server's time. This is useful for testing intermediate state, or for testing infinite Workflows. However, to advance time using testEnv.sleep(), you need to start the Workflow using start(), not execute().


import { sleep } from '@temporalio/workflow';
import { defineQuery, setHandler } from '@temporalio/workflow';

export const daysQuery = defineQuery('days');

export async function sleeperWorkflow() {
let numDays = 0;

setHandler(daysQuery, () => numDays);

for (let i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
await sleep('1 day');


test('advancing time using `testEnv.sleep()`', async () => {
// Important: `start()` starts the test server in "normal" mode,
// not skipped time mode. If you don't advance time using `testEnv.sleep()`,
// then `sleeperWorkflow()` will run for days.
handle = await testEnv.client.workflow.start(sleeperWorkflow, {
workflowId: uuidv4(),

let numDays = await handle.query(daysQuery);
assert.strictEqual(numDays, 0);

// Advance the test server's time by 25 hours and assert that
// `sleeperWorkflow()` correctly incremented `numDays`.
await testEnv.sleep('25 hours');
numDays = await handle.query(daysQuery);
assert.strictEqual(numDays, 1);

// Advance the test server's time by an additional 25 hours and
// assert that `sleeperWorkflow()` incremented `numDays` a second time.
await testEnv.sleep('25 hours');
numDays = await handle.query(daysQuery);
assert.strictEqual(numDays, 2);

Time skipping in Activities

When an Activity is executing time switches back to "normal", TestWorkflowEnvironment.sleep can be used outside of Workflow code to skip time.

Workflow implementation


export async function processOrderWorkflow({
}: ProcessOrderOptions): Promise<string> {
let processing = true;
// Dynamically define the timeout based on given input
const { processOrder } = proxyActivities<ReturnType<typeof createActivities>>({
startToCloseTimeout: orderProcessingMS,

const processOrderPromise = processOrder().then(() => {
processing = false;

await Promise.race([processOrderPromise, sleep(sendDelayedEmailTimeoutMS)]);

if (processing) {
await sendNotificationEmail();

await processOrderPromise;

return 'Order completed!';
test('countdownWorkflow sends reminder email if processing does not complete in time', async () => {
// NOTE: this tests doesn't actually take days to complete, the test environment starts a test
// server that automatically skips time when there are no running activities.
let emailSent = false;
// createActivities defintion omitted for brevity
const activities: ReturnType<typeof createActivities> = {
async processOrder() {
// test server switches to "normal" time while an activity is executing.
// Call `sleep` to skip time by "2 days".
await testEnv.sleep('2 days');
async sendNotificationEmail() {
emailSent = true;
const worker = await Worker.create({
connection: testEnv.nativeConnection,
taskQueue: 'test',
workflowsPath: require.resolve('../workflows'),
await worker.runUntil(
testEnv.client.workflow.execute(processOrderWorkflow, {
workflowId: uuid(),
taskQueue: 'test',
args: [
orderProcessingMS: ms('3 days'),
sendDelayedEmailTimeoutMS: ms('1 day'),
assert.strictEqual(emailSent, true);

Test arbitrary functions in Workflow context

In case you need to test a function in your Workflow code that's not exported in workflowsPath, export it in a different path and register it with the Worker.


import * as wf from '@temporalio/workflow';
import { someWorkflowToRunAsChild } from './some-workflow';

export { someWorkflowToRunAsChild }; // Must be re-exported here for Worker registration

export async function functionToTest() {
await wf.executeChild(someWorkflowToRunAsChild);
// Other test code


const worker = await Worker.create({
connection: testEnv.nativeConnection,
workflowsPath: require.resolve(

await worker.runUntil(
testEnv.client.workflow.execute(functionToTest, workflowOptions),

Asserting from Workflow code

In some cases it's useful to assert directly in Workflow context.

The Workflow context is injected with the Node.js assert module and can be imported with import assert from 'assert'.

By default, failed assert statements throw AssertionErrors which cause Workflow Tasks to fail and be indefinitely retried. To prevent this, use workflowInterceptorModules from @temporalio/testing. These interceptors catch AssertionErrors and turn them into ApplicationFailures that fail the entire Workflow Execution (not just the Workflow Task).


import assert from 'assert';

export async function functionToTest() {


import {
} from '@temporalio/testing';

const worker = await Worker.create({
connection: testEnv.nativeConnection,
interceptors: {
workflowModules: workflowInterceptorModules,
workflowsPath: require.resolve(

await worker.runUntil(
testEnv.client.workflow.execute(functionToTest, workflowOptions), // Throws WorkflowFailedError

Testing with Jest

There are a couple of caveats for testing with Jest:

  1. The Temporal TypeScript SDK only supports Jest >= 27.0.0.
  2. Make sure you run Jest with testEnvironment: 'node'. testEnvironment: 'jsdom' is not supported.